PrimeCare Financial Planning was established in 2007 to provide affordable professional aged care financial planning advice for individuals moving into aged care.
We offer a range of expert aged care specialist services at value for money transparent fixed fees. We don't try to trick you with the so-called "first 15 minutes free" hook!
PrimeCare Financial Planning Pty Ltd. AFSL 473141 have our own financial licence so we are strictly independent and can offer the following services to you:
- Aged care Financial Consultations
- Aged Care Financial Planning
- Specialist Placement
- Centrelink or DVA lodgement & assistance
Erika Wilke and Robert Martin are directors of this vibrant and totally independent aged care specialist financial planning practice. PrimeCare have specialised in the aged care financial field since 2007. PrimeCare has its own Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL No. 473 141) so they can remain truly independent for you. As a client of PrimeCare, you and your families aged care needs come first.
PrimeCare know the difficulties family members face when transitioning into an aged care facility and understand the problems clients have with the complexities of all the fees and associated costs.
PrimeCare’s caring team will ensure you will be empowered to understand all the financial implications when moving into aged care. Understanding the cost of aged care is paramount before you or your loved move into care. PrimeCare is here to help lift the fog and reduce the red tape, allowing you more time to focus on your loved one.
Erika and Robert hold regular training and educational sessions on 'Understanding the Aged Care and Home Care Maze,’ for local community centres and the aged care industry. As leaders in the aged care industry, they are regularly consulted by Government agencies and aged care facilities for their expertise.
PrimeCare specialises in this complex Aged Care arena and are here to help you at very affordable rates. PrimeCare is with you all the way. As a client of PrimeCare, a phone call or email to us, months or years later to clarify an aged care invoice issue or change in circumstances is part of our service to you.
So let PrimeCare REDUCE YOUR FINANCIAL STRESS AND CONFUSION about Aged Care and call us today on 1300 853 875.